美語晨間律動~The Great Big Turnip 拔蘿蔔The Great Big Turnip 拔蘿蔔 今天Teacher Kelly要說一個故事,而且還要請進階A、B班小朋友上來好房網演給大家看,就請你們Open your eyes and ears. (打開眼睛耳朵)But close your mouth. (嘴巴閉起來,認真看表演囉!)Thanks a lot. (謝謝你酒店打工們的合作) The farmer and his wife say: (農夫和他的老婆說)We dig. We dig. We dig a hole. (我們掘土)We plant. We plant. We plant 建築設計some seeds. (我們播種)We water. We water. We water the seeds. (我們澆水) Then, the turnips are growing up. (然後蘿蔔們長大了!)I’酒店打工m small. 我很小I’m big. 我很大I’m bigger. 我更大 Then farmer and his wife say: (農夫和他的老婆說)Oh! The turnip is big now. Letseo’s pull it out.(哇!蘿蔔很大我們把它拔出來) But the turnip is too big. They can not pull it out. (但是蘿蔔太大了,我們拔不出來買屋)Then, the boy comes and helps. (然後小男孩來幫忙)The girl comes and helps. (小女孩來幫忙) But the turnip is too big. They can 小型辦公室not pull it out. (但蘿蔔還是太大了,我們拔不出來)Then, the dog comes and helps. (然後小狗來幫忙)The cat comes and helps. (小貓來幫婚禮佈置忙) But the turnip is too big. They can not pull it out. (但蘿蔔仍然拔不出來)So, the mouse comes and helps. (連小老鼠都來幫忙了房屋買賣)Finally, they pull out the turnip. (最後,他們將蘿蔔拔出來了)Hurray! Hurray! (萬歲!萬歲!)Let’s make turnip soup for dinner. (長灘島我們來煮蘿蔔湯吧!)

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